Team Benussi

The word “Team” historically is used to describe sports groups.  Now it has been hijacked and is used constantly in the business world. Why use the word “Team”?  Because it engenders a feeling of comfort, inclusivity, and reassurance.

We are using the old-fashioned definition to say:

We act as a team.  We are organised and work hard to have a team reaction to any problem that our clients face.

Everyone in the office needs to be a team player. Lonestars don’t survive the embrace of Team Benussi.  We communicate, we share ideas, and we share strategies and expect every client to be looked after always by Team Benussi.

Every employee has a pair.  That person who is there when the other isn’t.  They cover each other’s holidays, absences and pick up if one is in court.  No client needs to be worried that they are abandoned by illnesses and all the other elements that cause physical absence from the workplace.

We don’t have “out of office” announcements. Emails are forwarded automatically to the pair. The remainer knows what to do, what is urgent, what is not, and how it is distinguished.

Recently, a solicitor in another firm caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand up by their automated response.

“I am currently away from the office. 

My email will not be checked in my absence”.

That was three weeks ago.  I just checked, it’s still there. Disrespectful? Disgraceful. If you’re going through the divorce process, financial settlements or any family law matters, and are looking for the best team available to support you, get in touch today to find out how we can support you.

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